Terms of Use and Disclaimer

Last updated: 2015-09-01

1. General principle

If the user only browses the website of the Labour Affairs Bureau (hereinafter referred to as “this website”) and do not use the software provided in this website to submit applications, the Labour Affairs Bureau will not record any identifiable data.

2. Type of non-personal data collected

When the user visits this website, the following technical information may automatically be recorded: domain name and IP address, date and time of visit, webpages browsed, and domain name of other websites used to link to this website. The collection of the above information aims to enable this website to be more suitable for the user. The information collected will never be used to investigate the user, unless a malware against this website is detected.

3. Use of “cookies”

When using the electronic services in this website, “cookies” may be used by the software of such services to store the user’s preferences, mainly customizing user experience for subsequent visits. If the user’s internet browsers activate to detect “cookies”, a warning message may be received whenever those browsers access “cookies”.

4. Copyright statement

This website is set up and maintained by the Labour Affairs Bureau. The copyright of all contents available on this website, including texts, graphics, sound, videos and programs, are owned by the Labour Affairs Bureau and protected by the relevant legislation of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the international standards on intellectual property rights.

5. Data reproduction and re-dissemination

All contents on this website, with the exception of information belonging to third parties, can be used, reproduced or re-disseminated for non-commercial purpose without consent of the Labour Affairs Bureau, but the source and date of information acquisition must be stated. Meanwhile, the user must ensure that the contents copied are complete and accurate, and such contents cannot be considered as an official reproduction or a document recognized by the Labour Affairs Bureau.

Without written consent and authorization of the Labour Affairs Bureau, it is forbidden to modify, reproduce or re-disseminate the contents on this website for commercial purposes of any kind.

This website shows the notices and contents of third parties’ copyright, and the user must comply with the relevant provisions.

6. Use of data

The user can make new calculations or compile statistics based on the data published in this website. The publication of such data must indicate the source and specify the calculations or the statistical methods used.

7. Disclaimer

The Labour Affairs Bureau may edit, suspend loading, revise or delete all information on this website at any time without any prior notice.

This website has some hyperlinks to other websites or electronic services, only for the user easy access. Therefore, the Labour Affairs Bureau is not responsible for those websites or electronic services and will not pay any compensation for damages or losses caused by the use of those websites. Whenever the user accesses any external website through those hyperlinks, it indicates that the user is out of this website and subject to the terms of use and privacy policy of those external websites.

The Labour Affairs Bureau endeavours to ensure the accuracy and timely updating of all data and contents available on this website, but does not assume any responsibility or pay any compensation for damages arising from the use of such data or contents.

8. Acceptance of the terms and conditions of this website

When using any services provided in this website, it indicates that the user agrees and is subject to the Terms of Use and Disclaimer as well as the Statement on Collection of Personal Data of this website.

9. Linking to this website

External websites must obtain written consent from the Labour Affairs Bureau to build direct links to this website through hyperlinks.

10. Amendment to the Terms of Use and Disclaimer

If any amendment occurs to the Terms of Use and Disclaimer, the Labour Affairs Bureau will replace the old version with a new one and the date of amendment will be stated without further notice.

©2016 Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region - Labour Affairs Bureau
Address: Avenida do Dr. Francisco Vieira Machado 221-279, Edifício Advance Plaza, Macau
Telephone: (853) 2856 4109    Fax: (853) 2855 0477    E-mail: dsalinfo@dsal.gov.mo

When browsing and using any services provided in this website, it means that the user has read and agreed with the "Statement on Collection of Personal Data" as well as the "Terms of Use and Disclaimer".